Here at Definition we believe that proper nutrition is an essential component to one’s health and fitness. We will now be posting a weekly nutrition chanllenge to allow you to personally monitor your own diet. This week’s challenge will be to count your calories. There are several tools available for calorie tracking. Calorie Counter is a user friendly site that is also free. For smart phone users, there are many apps available for calorie counting. The challenge is to track your calories for one week! Bring in your results to show your trainer. Happy calorie tracking!!
This week ‘s focus is LUNGES!!!
The LUNGE is a weight training exercise that is used to strengthen the quadriceps muscles, gluteal muscles and the muscles comprising the hamstrings, the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus, and the biceps femoris. A long lunge emphasizes the gluteals whereas a short lunge emphasizes the quadriceps.

With all lunge exercises, be sure to land with your knees over your toes in order to prevent injury from occurring.
Lateral lunges
Lateral lunges are a terrific option for those who want to work the inner or outer thighs. Stand with legs about shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and from there, lift one leg off the ground and take a large step sideways. Bend at both knees until your lower your body is close to the ground and then rise up once again while you bring the stationary leg to meet the other. Repeat the process over again until all reps have been completed and you have traveled across an empty room.
Jump Lunges
To perform these, step forward so that one foot is in front of the other with a comfortable distance between them. From there, begin to bend your knees so you move into the lunge position. Once you’re fully lowered into position, explode upward so you lift off the ground, switching legs while you are in midair. Land with your feet in switched positions and immediately move back down into the lunge on that side.
Lunge with knee raise
The lunge with a knee raise is going to improve your balance while strengthening your hamstring, so it’s a good option if you’re looking for a change. To perform it, step forward with one foot and proceed to perform the standard lunge. As you rise back up, rather than stepping forward with the next foot, bring your back leg forward and raise it up so that your knee aims to touch your chest. From there, push it down and move directly into a lunge with that leg.
These are just a few variations but there are many types our trainers use that are not listed. Post a picture of yourself doing a lunge on our Facebook page before Thursday and recieve a free water next time you visit the gym!!!
A new approach…
For years endurance training has been characterized by working at a low intensity for long and slow distances. This training does have benefits but are greatly outweighed by its setbacks:
– Decreased muscle mass
– Decreased power
– Decreased speed
– Decreased strength
– Decreased anaerobic capacity
– Decreased testosterone levels
Endurance athletes have to utilize the principles of strength and conditioning in order to perform at a higher level. The implementation of program that uses strength and conditioning model specific to endurance athletes will reverse the unfavorable adaptations listed above while still maintaining an increased cardio respiratory endurance. Adaptations that are accomplished through anaerobic training are similar to high volume endurance training.
The implementation of an aerobic strength program specific to endurance athletes will significantly decrease your training time while improving both your overall fitness and cardio respiratory performance (yes those are two very different things).
The exercises used in this program will be very different than those traditionally used. Common exercises that you will see when beginning this program:
– Air squat – Muscle-up
– Pull-up – Back extension
– Push-up – Sit-up
– Dip – Jumps
– Handstand push-up – Lunge
After one has mastered these core-body exercises there will be a transition into strength training:
– Deadlifts – Clean and jerk
– Cleans – Kettlebell swing
– Presses – Snatch
The secret to this training is commitment and intensity. It may seem like the easy way out to train less and see better results but it is quite the opposite. This programs demands participants to give their highest level of intensity and with that comes commitment.
Contact Josh Haskins at 398.6442 for more information about this program
Heather Lethbridge is enthusiastic about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. She specializes in using exercise as a way to get to know yourself better, get to know your body better, and reach your ultimate potential. She not only helps you strengthen your body, but she will also help you strengthen your mind.
When you choose to work with Heather you will receive a training program customized to your specific goals and needs. She follows a scientifically proven fitness model that moves in a systematic and progressive fashion. She believes in preventive exercises to help keep your body fit and safe. She is a trainer dedicated to not only getting you fit, but to being by your side, to motivate you, to guide you, and to help you succeed.
Heather has been with Definition since May 2011 and holds certifications with the National Academy of Sports Medicine(Certified Personal Trainer) and Sharecare (Wellness and Virtual Coaching).
Heather holds a bachelor degree of Psychology from Shenandoah University in Winchester Virginia, where she played lacrosse.