
Have you met our June client of the month??

We are so lucky to get to work with incredible people everyday on improving their quality of life. That’s really what working out is all about at the end of the day…improving and maintaining a quality of life that will allow you to do what you want, when you want, without being limited by physical ability. Here is one of those incredible people…


Hello, I’m Marla and I’m coming up on a year of working out at Definition Fitness. In my first session, I met with Patrick and expressed my goal to lose weight and learn about strength training, and over 60 lbs later, I’m still chipping away at my journey to optimize my health.

I couldn’t be more pleased with my experience here. Every week Patrick continues to challenge my abilities, and adjust each session to address, or accommodate, for any weaknesses or imbalances and complement my other fitness endeavors in hiking and pilates. Everyone is so encouraging, knowledgeable, and passionate about what they do here, it’s hard not to leave feeling accomplished after each workout.