Scott’s year of challenges 2015
Hello Definition Fitness family! I decided last December that 2015 would be my year of challenges, and so I have begun. My first personal challenge is to “re-start” my running fitness, and my ultimate goal is to run a half marathon in November. That is my 2015 running goal. Currently, I have been inconsisently training 8-9 miles per week, and have already cut down my mile-time from 11:00 minutes to about 9:30….and I plan to shave off a little more as I continue my conditioning. As most of you know, I am a certified Spinning instructor and lead our Definition Cyclepower classes too. Previously, I lead 4-5 classes per week at another facility, and at Definition Fitness I am currently leading 3 classes with more to be added. My point…you’d think that consistently intense leg and lower body Spinning training would make my running a piece of cake. Well, running leg muscles [and movements] are very different than Spinning and cycling muscles, so I am reconditioning and retraining my running muscles differently. After running a couple 5K’s over the past couple months, next up is the Gate Run 15K. If you are considering running or training for a running event, one of the most important things I would advise is to be fitted for proper running shoes. The good ones may be more expensive, but it is definitely worth the investment. They can make a BIG difference for your feet, joints, and back especially when running 5+ miles. My go-to shoes are my Saucony Hurricane 16 and Adidas Turbo Boost.
My second 2015 challenge is a physical body “transformation” challenge that I am currently in week 6 of a 12-week program. This transformation consists of muscle growth, overall weight maintenance, and lowering my bodyfat%. My goal is to drop my bodyfat% to 11% by early April: January 1st, I was 20% and I’m currently 16.5%. January 1st my weight was 193lbs and I’m currently at 185lbs. I have been working out 5-days a week with 1 active rest day (lite day), and 1 full rest day. My nutrition consists of 50/30/20: 50% complex carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fats, per daily. It is not exact every day though, non-workout days I load up more on protein, cardio days I may have a few more carbs. All in all, I am already seeing my transformation goal getting closer. If you have any questions or comments about the program/challenge I am following, just ask me!
My third 2015 challenge is achieving additional nutrition certification. AFPA (American Fitness Professionals & Associates) conducts a master level Nutrition Consultant certification that I am currently researching. This education consists of Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, Holistic Nutritionist, Weight Management Specialist, and Sports Nutritionist. Although this accreditation can not be completed within 2015, I plan on beginning the process this year.
So as you can tell, as a busy trainer in alot of ways, I always make fitness, wellness, and nutrition a priority in my daily life. I try to encourage and inspire everyone I meet and know to follow a healthy life plan. Always remember that “the food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison.”
Scott Winters